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Por primera vez parece que Putin podría salir victorioso

Vladímir Putin invadió Ucrania hace casi dos años. Y por primera vez da la impresión de que puede ganar, pues refuerza su país con más soldados, más munición y más maquinaria bélica. Además, ha emprendido una ofensiva diplomática. Del otro lado, Ucrania tiene a su ejército agotado y un duro invierno por delante, mientras que la ayuda de Estados Unidos parece agotarse.

January 26, 2024

Mientras la economía china se debilita, la india avanza a pasos agigantados

Never before has a Chinese head of state cancelled a G20 meeting. The fact that Xi Jinping will not be attending in New Delhi could offend the host Narendra Modi. On one hand China and India pursue common interests against Western domination. But at the same time, they are opponents vying for leadership of the Global South. Moreover, while China's economy is weakening, India's is advancing by leaps and bounds.

September 10, 2023

West begins to suggest that Kiev cede territory in exchange for NATO membership

According to estimates, the war in Ukraine has so far claimed some 500,000 dead and wounded on both sides. At the same time, the expected Ukrainian counteroffensive has not achieved tangible results. The conflict is tending to become a positional war of attrition. The West is beginning to suggest that Kiev should cede territory in exchange for NATO membership.

August 27, 2023

Die künftige Sicherheitsarchitektur in Europa: Grammatiken des Kalten Krieges 2.0 (25.05.23)

The discussion took place within the framework of the lecture series "Zeitenwende in der Sicherheitspolitik" at the University of Halle in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

June 14, 2023

Moscow wants to deploy tactical atomic weapons in Belarus

Concern is growing in the West about nuclear escalation after President Vladimir Putin announced plans to deploy tactical atomic weapons in Belarus. For the first time since the 1990s, Moscow intends to deploy such weapons outside its territory. Meanwhile, the West has delivered more modern weapons, such as battle tanks, to Ukraine.

April 3, 2023

Nach Cherson: Wird der Krieg jetzt noch brutaler? | Auf den Punkt

Ein tödlicher Zwischenfall in Polen zeigt, dass die Kämpfe um die Ukraine auch NATO-Gebiet berühren können. Während die Aufklärung läuft, werden die russischen Raketenangriffe auf die Ukraine international scharf verurteilt. Russlands Präsident Putin ist zuletzt noch stärker unter Druck geraten, denn ukrainische Soldaten haben die russische Armee aus der Großstadt Cherson vertrieben. Die Ukrainer jubeln dort, Präsident Selenskij spricht vom Anfang des Endes dieses Krieges. Allerdings schwächen die massiven russischen Raketenangriffe die ukrainische Energie- und Wasserversorgung. Wie geht es jetzt weiter an der Front, aber auch in der internationalen Diplomatie? Wir fragen: Nach Cherson: Wird der Krieg jetzt noch brutaler?

January 11, 2023

Russian missile strikes on Ukraine further increase tension

The most intense Russian missile attacks in recent months have severely affected Ukraine. The aim was to damage infrastructure: bridges, roads, electricity and water supplies, nuclear power plants, as well as housing. The Kremlin claims it is retaliation for the attack on the Kerch bridge. Missile attacks on Ukraine: how far will Moscow go?

October 19, 2022
Deutsche Welle

Will the UN achieve a solution in Ukraine?

The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, and the Presidents of Ukraine and Turkey, Volodimir Zelenski, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, meet in Lviv, in western Ukraine. The world awaits with great expectation the results of this summit, while the situation at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, the target of attacks that both parties reciprocally attribute, worsens.

August 18, 2022
Deutsche Welle

NATO's new strategy against Russia

The invasion of Ukraine has definitively severed relations between NATO and Russia. Finland and Sweden are one step away from entering the defensive alliance. Moscow does not like the reinforcement of troops in Eastern Europe, especially in the Baltic states. The Atlantic Alliance will be larger and more European. With Russia, as the most significant threat. How will Putin react? Will he understand it as an aggression or as a dissuasive strategy?

July 7, 2022
Deutsche Welle

Moscow insists on maximum autonomy for the Lugansk and Donetsk regions

While the separatists order an evacuation, the Ukrainian government denies an offensive, and assures that it is the pro-Russian separatists who have intensified the attacks in the Donbas region. For the analyst Alexandra Sitenko it is impossible to rethink a restructuring of security in Europe, without taking into account Russia.

February 19, 2022
Deutsche Welle

Putin and Xi: Rivals of the West, friends of Latin America?

Latin America closes ranks with Russia and China. Agreements for the supply and production of vaccines, investment in infrastructure and exploration of new energies, among others. Argentina and Brazil are leading the way with their invitations to the Kremlin, while the conflict with Ukraine is taking place in the background. Is it just trade relations or an axis against the United States and Europe?

February 10, 2022
Deutsche Welle

Russian Military Deployment: Imminent Threat in Ukraine?

Thousands of Russian soldiers have been mobilized around the border with Ukraine. According to reports, this seems more like the preparation of an invasion than any maneuver. Not since the occupation of Crimea 7 years ago has there been such a large mobilization. From kyiv it is said that Moscow would seek to occupy more areas. NATO has already demanded to stop the Russian escalation. Is this an imminent threat to Ukraine?

April 15, 2021
Deutsche Welle

NATO: as vivid as 70 years ago?

The Heads of Government and State that make up NATO wanted to meet to continue celebrating the organization's 70th anniversary. But their meeting in London was more of an emergency summit: the French president declared a "brain dead" of the organization, the American president asks for more money from Europe, and the German chancellor just keeps quiet. Is NATO as vivid as before?

December 6, 2019
Deutsche Welle
