

Strategische Partnerschaften in der Außenpolitik

Former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev noted in 2010 that Russia had returned to Latin America. The study examines how this intensification of relations between Russia and three Latin American countries - Ecuador, Cuba and Brazil - came about using a multidimensional geopolitical approach. Based on findings from practical politics and academic work, the author provides a definition of the hitherto vague concept of 'strategic partnership' and uses a process-oriented method to trace the development of these partnerships over the period 1992-2017.

Jun 5, 2020

Die Transatlantischen Beziehungen zwischen Russland und Venezuela

The study examines the reasons behind the intensification of bilateral cooperation between Venezuela and Russia by analysing foreign policy strategies of both countries since 1999, focusing on the areas of security, regional, economic and energy policy. The theories of political neorealism and constructivism serve as the theoretical basis.

Jan 2, 2016
